About Us

meet our team

Paul Bax – Founder

Meet Paul Bax, the visionary behind Pottery Boss, with an impressive 16-year journey in the world of pottery. Paul’s passion for this timeless craft has been at the forefront of his life, shaping his expertise and artistic sensibilities.

Since he first touched clay, Paul has dedicated himself to mastering the art of pottery. Over the years, he has honed his skills, delving into various pottery techniques, glazing methods, and firing processes. His extensive knowledge and hands-on experience have made him a true luminary in the pottery community.

Paul’s commitment to sharing his love for pottery led him to establish Pottery Boss, a platform that embodies his dedication to the craft. Through Pottery Boss, he not only curates a diverse range of pottery supplies but also provides expert insights and guidance to fellow pottery enthusiasts.

As a seasoned potter and educator, Paul is deeply passionate about helping others embark on their own pottery journeys. He believes that anyone can discover their creative potential through clay, and his mission is to make that journey as accessible and inspiring as possible.

Paul’s artistic flair, combined with his technical prowess, has earned him a well-deserved reputation as a trusted source for all things pottery. Whether you’re a novice looking to start your pottery adventure or an experienced artisan seeking to refine your skills, Paul Bax and Pottery Boss are your go-to resources for pottery excellence.”

Paul Bax


our vision

Share the Knowledge of Pottery

Empowering your creativity through expert guidance and insights at Pottery Boss.

Pottery Wheel Spinning
Professional Expertise

Our writers and review panel are experts in pottery and have huge experience in this field.

Colored Pottery
Share New Ideas

In pottery, there’s no end of creativity. We share new ideas as we discover in the journey.

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